Hanako是日本magazine house所發行的雜誌,主要介紹日本流行生活型態,Hanako.Taiwan延續其追求美好日常的精神,提案如何享有舒適生活與品味,並不忘提供旅遊與美食趨勢,也同步探索台灣在地人情味的多元魅力。
photo, text : Hanako.Taiwan 編輯部
模特兒齊藤Alice本身也是一位有名的咖啡館愛好者,因此邀請她帶著大家一起逛逛東京、或走遍日本,甚至出國探訪各地的咖啡館!Known for being a model and a lover of cafes, Alice Saito introduces you to cafes from not only tokyo, but also all over japan and around the world!

今天來到好一陣子沒去的代代木公園咖啡館「Path」吃早餐,我3年前出版的咖啡館情報書裡也有收錄這一間,始終深得我心。I went to cafe Path near Yoyogi Park for breakfast. I introduced this cafe in my book that I published three years ago.

櫃台上擺著早上剛出爐的麵包糕點,他們的麵包使用自製酵母,據說每天都會根據天氣和氣溫,調整材料的比例。A lot of bread and baked sweets are piled up beside the counter. They are made with homemade yeast and they adjust the amount of ingredients depending on the weather and temperature every day.

早餐從8點一路供應到下午2點!10點上門時,已經有不少餐點貼上了SOLD OUT的標籤。一早就生意興隆呢!You can order from the breakfast menu every morning from 8:00 to 14:00. When I went around 10:00, some items were already sold out. They are busy in the morning!

德式鬆餅是店裡最受歡迎的早餐,客人點餐後,花20分鐘細細烘烤。這種源自德國的麵包口感很特別,簡直像泡芙一樣蓬鬆。上方配料為店家手作生火腿和布拉塔起司,喜歡楓糖的人也可以淋一些享用。Their signature breakfast dish is a Dutch pancake. Dutch pancake originated in Germany and have a soft texture like a cream puff. They are made to order with homemade prosciutto and burrata cheese on top. You can add maple syrup as you like.

我喜歡的飲料是百香果發酵果汁,微微的氣泡感加上溫和的酸味,清爽解膩。This is my most recommended drink, fermented passion fruit. It is slightly sour and naturally carbonated to leave a refreshing taste in your mouth.

沒時間慢慢吃的時候,可以點自製火腿與卡門貝爾起司的三明治。點完不用多久就做好了,量多到快夾不住的火腿,絕對能填飽你的胃!When you don’t have much time I recommend the homemade ham and camembert cheese sandwich. It is served up quickly after you place your order. It overflows with ham and leaves you feeling full.

晚上6點過後則進入晚餐時段,化身為一間餐酒館。酒款選擇多,是約會的好去處。請大家好好享受「Path」早、晚不同的2種面貌吧。After 18:00 the cafe changes to a bistro. They have a wide range of alcoholic drinks, so it is a suitable place for a date. Please enjoy both sides of Path, in the morning and at night.
Hanako是日本magazine house所發行的雜誌,主要介紹日本流行生活型態,Hanako.Taiwan延續其追求美好日常的精神,提案如何享有舒適生活與品味,並不忘提供旅遊與美食趨勢,也同步探索台灣在地人情味的多元魅力。
photo, text : Hanako.Taiwan 編輯部